Mold Town Council was an early supporter of the campaign to make Mold plastic-free.
In 2019 the Town Council passed a resolution pledging itself to a range of commitments and initiatives, and embedded the reduction of plastic in the Council’s sustainability targets.
To help ensure that close ties are maintained, two Town Councillors –Â Andrea Mearns and Brian Lloyd – are members of the Mold Plastic Reduction Steering Group.
The text of the resolution is:
To support Mold Town Council becoming a single-use plastics free town, the Town Council commits to:
Work with staff to ensure that single-use plastics are eliminated across Town Council offices
Support schools and communities in their efforts to reduce single-use plastics.
Work with event suppliers to reduce single-use plastics across all Town Council events and share guidance for this more widely.
Support communities and litter-pick initiatives to ensure Mold town, parks, river and open spaces are free from plastic litter.
Require Town Council suppliers to minimise the use of single-use plastics in their service provision and find sustainable alternatives (where appropriate).
Where the use of plastics is unavoidable, the Town Council will encourage the use of recycled plastics, where practicable, and support manufacturers that make products from locally sourced waste plastics.
Work with partners in joint ventures and innovative projects for reducing single use plastic waste.
Share best practice and information about plastic free initiatives, to residents, businesses, visitors and beyond through the Town Council’s social media and communication channels.
Work with the local authority, other town and community councils in the area and Cittaslow towns worldwide to share best practice and implement joint initiatives.
The Town Council will work to embed these commitments into the sustainable events guidance, sustainable procurement policy, and into other key council strategies, policies and plans.
or visit our Contact page.
MPR’s postal address is:
Town Hall, Earl Road, Mold, CH7 1AB.
Registered Charity Number 1207470
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