Two women sitting with reusable drinks bottles.

The good news is that the number of people choosing reusable water bottles is rising quickly.

Figures compiled by the campaign group Refill show that almost 60% of people in the UK now use a refillable water bottle, compared to only 20% in 2015.

The bad news is that 10 million single use water bottles are bought every day in the UK, with an estimated 700,000 of them thrown away as litter.

Trying to persuade those people to stop buying drinks in plastic bottles and to switch to reusable containers is a big task, though it’s one that’s being made easier thanks to the Refill app, which highlights a network of 32,000 places across the UK where people can top up their bottles for free.

It’s also worth noting that the market for refillable bottles in Europe is worth £1.5bn a year – with growth of about 40% expected by 2028.

Learn more in this article from The Guardian: Britain is embracing switch to refillable water bottles, say campaigners.