Fast fashion writing competition.

Here’s a challenge for young talented writers!

This year’s Daniel Owen Festival writers’ competition is calling for entries on the theme of fast fashion.

With recent reports of the environmental damage that discarded clothing from western countries is doing in Africa and South America, the theme of fast fashion is highly topical.

Daniel Owen, the famous author from Mold, was also a tailor in Victorian times – when there was no such thing as fast fashion and repair, resale and upcycling would have been the norm.

If you’re aged from 11 to 25, then you can share your stories, poems and plays, written in Welsh or English, on this important issue.

The deadline for entries is Monday 2 October. Entrants who are shortlisted will be informed by 9 October and invited to read their submissions, or have them read, at ‘Dance, Song and Stories’ in Daniel Owen Square on Saturday 21 October.

More information about the competition can be found on the Daniel Owen Festival website.