Concern has been expressed at the amount of litter being left in and around Mold.

Speaking on behalf of Mold Plastic Reduction, Shannon Jones told Steve Craddock of The Leader that the town has seen more items discarded as lockdown restrictions are eased.

Citing a particular problem with discarded bottles, wrappers and chip papers in the town’s Rose Garden area, she called on people to use bins to dispose of their litter.

Mrs Jones also mentioned that local residents have been out and about doing mini litter picks – a point echoed by Jane Evans, the Events and Community Engagement Officer for Mold Town Council, who can provide litter pickers and bin bags to anyone who’d like to organise their own litter pick.

The full article can be read here: Litter increase at Mold green spaces as lockdown eases.

Elsewhere, Councillor Carolyn Thomas, the Flintshire County Council Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside, highlighted the problem of littering during an interview with Claire Summers on BBC Radio Wales.

‘A lot of people are discarding tissues, wipes and gloves and leaving them on the roadside and beauty spots, but it is unfair to expect others to pick them up,’ she said. ‘We need to educate our children from a young age to put litter in your pocket or bag it and take it home. We all need to be more responsible.’

You can listen to the full interview on YouTube.