Here in Mold, many of us are marking #plasticfreejuly by doing a litter pick.
If you’d like to join in, choose a date and time and an area of Mold or one of the surrounding villages to go litter picking.
Try to get other members of your household to join in (the good news is that you don’t have to be out for hours on end; even brief sessions are good to do).
If you need to borrow litter picking equipment, please arrange to do so with Jane Evans at Mold Town Council ( or telephone her on 01352 758532).
See if you can get some photos of your litter pick and let us know how it went and what you collected, as the Town Council is very interested to know what litter we get and where it’s found (you can mail us at
Then keep an eye on our social media pages for posts about our #LitterPickChampions.
Here are a couple of photos posted by Caroline Collis from Parkfields Community Centre who did her own mini-pick around Mold Community Hospital …