White random numbers on a turquoise background.

Backed by Greenpeace, The Big Plastic Count aims to persuade governments, brands and supermarkets to take bold action to tackle the plastic crisis by highlighting just how much plastic is thrown away.

The campaign is calling for a commitment from the UK government to cut the amount of single use plastic by 50% by 2025, through switching to reusable options.

It also wants a ban on sending UK plastic waste to other countries.

The count will take place during the week of 16-22 May.

To join in, register with The Big Plastic Count to receive a free campaign pack, count all the plastic packaging you throw away from 16-22 May, then submit your results online.

Participants will receive information about their personal plastic footprint and what really happens to their plastic waste.

The Big Plastic Count will collate and publish results from across the UK and then use the evidence gathered to call for action on single use plastic.