Words 'zero waste' in white caps on bed of green leaves against pink background

The award-winning annual awareness campaign #ZeroWasteWeek aims to help householders, businesses, organisations, schools, universities and community groups reduce their waste.

Running from 7-11 September, the 2020 #ZeroWasteWeek features a daily challenge to waste less, including making an ‘eat me first’ shelf in the fridge and going shopping in your freezer …

As cutting back on waste is a year-round issue, the campaign also offers help outside the eye-catching #ZeroWasteWeek itself, by providing display materials, lesson plans, online courses, talks and workshops.

Businesses might be interested in a 28-page downloadable booklet which they can use to run their own anti-waste campaign (priced at £39), while the online shop at is also offering second-hand copies of 101 Ways to Live Cleaner and Greener for Free.